Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover

My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★  stars

Wow. I don't generally tend to really enjoy contemporary books as much as I do other genres, but damn this story was just so good!

I think what really did it for me was the relationship and chemistry between Miles and Tate. You could really feel the struggles they both went through and the tension between the two of them just melted my heart in so many ways.

Interspacing each Tate chapter with a Miles POV from six years ago definitely ramped up the intrigue as to what actually happened to him all those years ago. When the truth comes out it definitely left me shocked and I shed a few tears when Miles finally went over to Rachel to get the closure he so desparetely needed.

And the sex scenes...damn. They were just so darn sexy and made my toes curl. Who doesn't love some nice steamy romance? (I know I do!). I loved just how palpable Mile and Tate's feelings were and I just shipped them so damn hard together.

I also really loved Cap. I just realized it's not very often that you get a character in a book who's relatively old but isn't treated as a dispensable second-class character. This definitely wasn't the case with Cap, who gave Tate awesome wisdom and became a part of their gang so that is also definitely something I enjoyed.

Overall, this book was really good and I would highly recommend anyone with a love for contemporary or someone in need of some nice steaming sexiness to pick up this book.