Golden Son by Pierce Brown

My rating: 9/10

This book really took a 180 degree turn when compared to Red Rising, but honestly in the best possible kind of way. The story kicks off about two years after the events of the first book, with Darrow not quite living up to the glory that he had crafted for himself in the Game. He is on the verge of being disowned by Nero au Augustus and sold off, and yet he still has his mission to carry forth. There is also death hanging over his head due to the blood feud between him and Cassius, from which he will soon no longer be protected from.

Although some parts of the story were a little hard to follow, especially with so many new characters introduced and all of the hi-tec lingo describing a variety of spaceships and gear, the plot really kept me hooked. The struggle and sacrifices that Darrow had to go through in Golden Son were all incredibly heart-wrenching and yet at the same time were able to instill a sense of hope into me.

Generally, it was really neat to see the world of the Colors on a much larger scale for the first time. Already in Red Rising, I thought that the lore and worldbuilding was quite magnificent, and yet even then we only got to see Darrow’s perspective of the world from the Academy. This book enlarged the world even further, with the characters visiting a variety of moons and planets. Further, Pierce really has managed to capture a fiction of humanity that still echoes back to so many current struggles that we see being played out politically and socially that by the end of me reading this book, I now genuinely feel like this could be a realistic view of humanity thousands of years from now.

I do have to say that overall, I have begun to care a bit less about Darrow and Mustang’s relationship. They are still quite cute and have gone through a lot together, but they didn’t seem to have the same chemistry as before. I hope that she will eventually be able to forgive him for his lying and come back to support his cause. My favorite part of the book was when Darrow went back to Lykos to see his mother. That really moved me and I actually had to start crying.

Now I’m incredibly excited to get to Morning Star and see where the plot will go, since the ending of this book did leave us on a major cliffhanger, especially politically.