Numbers #3: Infinity by Rachel Ward


My rating: 4.5/10

After The Chaos being a surprisingly good sequel in this series, I was really disappointed with this third and final book. It was enjoyable at times, but I honestly just found myself skimming large parts of the chapters without really reading them and just felt like I was reading it more to finish the book rather than for personal enjoyment.  

I don’t really know why, but I just for the life of me could not get myself to care about the characters, at all. The lore, the whole number swapping business and how death and life are so intertwined and able to switch just by looking at someone, is really quite interesting, but the execution was just terrible. I didn’t care about Sarah, Adam or Mia at all.

There is one thing that I just need to rant about though, which is WHY DO THESE PEOPLE NOT USE CONTRACEPTIVES?! This series is absolutely fucking obsessed with young teenage girls getting pregnant. You’d think that after the events of the second book, Sarah and Adam would be a bit more careful, but nope. I understand that their circumstances don’t necessarily allow for a lifestyle with much healthcare and medical attention, but you’d think that with all of the supplies that they were able to acquire, they’d find at least some way to get some form of contraceptives.

Either way, the series did end off quite nicely and I feel that although not everything was explained, all of the characters found a suitable ending to their stories. I myself will unfortunately not ever be rereading this series, since it was just so meh overall.