Invaded my Melissa Landers


My rating: 8.5/10

Invaded was even better than Alienated in my opinion, and I already really liked the first book, so that’s really saying something.

The most interesting and cool thing about the plot in this sequel was definitely seeing L’eihr through Cara’s eyes. Is was really fascinating to read about her experiences on her Aegis, learning about the ways of the planet and the people there. You can also definitely see her growing and becoming a different person through the experiences that she has. She really begins to fall in love with the planet, while still feeling huge reservations due to the complications that arise from the discussions about the colony and its plans and this struggle is one that she battles throughout the novel.

One thing that did kind of confuse me was just how quick The Way allowed Cara to have her sh’ova and become an official citizen. I honestly expected for that to be something that only happened in the last book, or at the end of Invaded. More than that, I’m really surprised by just how chill her parents were about her being on a different planet galaxies away.

The only other thing that bothered me about the story was the fact that Cara became really jealous of Syrine and Aelyx’s friendship. To be fair, it’s kind of understandable considering their prior hostility. However, it’s still a trope that I kind of feel like is overused in YA novels and we need to see more healthy friendships between guys and girls without their significant others getting jealous in books. Because I do think seeing it in almost every romance novel conditions us to assume one needs to feel that way. To be fair, the issue was resolved relatively quickly in the book, for which I was grateful.

Speaking of Syrine, her and David’s relationship was so beautiful and heart-breaking. The two of them flirting and speaking about honey and pears was really cute and I was really rooting for them throughout the story. His death at the end of the book was so incredibly heartbreaking, that it really made me tear up. I was absolutely beyond shocked (more than Aelyx’s almost-death) at that, and when Aelyx gave Syrine the pear seed at the end of the book, that was just the pinnacle of emotion wrecked-ness for me. I really hope she ends up being happy at the end of the next book or I’ma riot.

But that end of the book, wow. That was just super-intense. I’m really intrigued by what’s going to happen now with Jaxen, Aisly and with Cara, now that she’s a part of The Way.