Legend #2: Prodigy - Marie Lu

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Author: Marie Lu

Length: 371 pages

"Injured and on the run, it has been seven days since June and Day barely escaped Los Angeles and the Republic with their lives. Day is believed dead having lost his own brother to an execution squad who thought they were assassinating him. June is now the Republic's most wanted traitor. Desperate for help, they turn to the Patriots - a vigilante rebel group sworn to bring down the Republic. But can they trust them or have they unwittingly become pawns in the most terrifying of political games?"

4 ¼ STARS  ★ ★

Spoilers Ahead

- Plot twists
- Anden
- Kaede

- Day and June's supposed "romance", ugh
- Day and June always figuring everything out together 
- Still not really being able to tell the difference between the POVs

I really enjoyed this book, more than Legend, actually. I felt like the twists and turns really made this book, especially the bigger "reveal" about Anden and his true character. I was really rooting for him throughout the whole book, especially when June got to spend some time with him. I can also see that this is going to turn into one huge love triangle. 

I still can't really get on board the Day and June ship though. (Dune? Jay?). I'm not entirely sure what it is, but I'm really not feeling it. I feel like they've got zero chemistry (maybe that's just me though) and honestly, June would be way better off with Anden. 

What really did shock me was that the Patriots ended up being the "bad" guys. I mean, I wouldn't have been super surprised if the Patriots (while not in league with the Republicans) would have turned out to be just as manipulative as the Republic (a la President Coin from the Hunger Games) but I really did not see that coming, so kudos. 

But...Kaede dying was something I just could not handle. My heart broke into a thousand little pieces when she sacrificed herself for the others. The bravery and selflessness of what she did was just too much - she is the true hero of the story. 

The one thing that I think was one of the things that could have been done better was the way that Day and June both found things out. It seemed that they almost always came to the same realizations (like, Razor being evil) at the same time (from their differing POVs though but still). It would have been a bit more exciting if there would have maybe been a little bit more tension between the two of them (like, Day not seeing June's signal immediately) but other than that, this book was pretty fabulous.